
UK debt clock

A counter of the government debt of the UK (total amount and per inhabitant) is available at the following address : http://cluaran.free.fr/debt.html

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9 commentaires:

Lord Blagger a dit…

You've missed out all the off balance sheet debt.

State pensions?

State Second pension?

State employee pensions


Nuclear decommissioning

Anonyme a dit…

You need to add about £1.7tn to the national debt figure today for the liabilities of the Royal Bank of Scotland that have been taken over by the government.

Unknown a dit…

Well done!!! THANK YOU, Marc!!!

Are you taking the data from the Debt Management Office? See http://www.dmo.gov.uk/

Anonyme a dit…

But surely this is now out of date ?

Do you have a contact email where I can send you the article Stephanie Flanders has produced for the budget?

Indeed, Robert Peston has alluded to GDP being around £ 1.4 Trillion. Her projections from the IMF and the IFS for 2015 indicate figures between 50 and 80% of GDP as Total Debt.

That would have the debt, albeit for 2015, at a smidge over a TRILLION POUNDS.

Or have I got my sums wrong ? This is a brilliant site - this should be up in Trafalgar Square or in Piccadilly Circus, so we can see how deep in debt we are ?

Marc a dit…

To Nick : the counter only takes into account the official Maastricht figures, not the off balance, so it is comparable to other countries, by using the same definition.

To Jonathan : the RBS debt will be included if (and only if) it is included by the ONS, depending on the European rules.

To Sabine : Thank you for the encouragement. I use ONS data, and Eurostat if necessary.

To the anonymous commentator : Yes, the counter needs to be updated, but the ONS has not yet released the official data for Q1 2009.

Title: EU Government Debt and Deficit returns - Calendar Year 2008
Release date: 31 March 2009
Theme: Economy | Department: Office for National Statistics | Coverage: UK
Geographic breakdown: UK and GB | Accreditation: Due to be assessed by Statistics Board
Summary: Contains estimates of government deficit and debt data submitted biannually to the European Commission for the Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP) in accordance with the Maastricht Treaty.

Marc a dit…

New ONS data taken into account. Counter updated today.

Anonyme a dit…

hi .Just wondering why your debt clock is so much lower than
www.debtbombshell.org ?

Jonathan Bryce a dit…

You need to add about £1.7tn to the national debt figure today for the liabilities of the Royal Bank of Scotland that have been taken over by the government.

Peter Jones a dit…

Your comment that "Canadian debt is decreasing " is incorrect. Since 2008 the debt has been incresing at an alarming rate and now stands at over $580 billion.
Peter Jones