Here is the story : In 2003, I went to Ethiopia. 6 km North of Gondar, there is the small Falasha (= Ethiopian Jewish) village of Wolleka (cf. Lonely Planet Ethiopia p. 177-178). There, I bought from a Falasha woman, who emigrated to Israel and came back to Ethiopia, a small terra cotta souvenir, representing Adam and Eve in the inside, and Jewish symbols on the outside (star of David and candelabrum). You will see photos of it on today's posts. Alas, I broke this artefact today. Who could buy one for me from this woman and bring it back to me ? Please leave a comment...
L'Ethiopie en France :
- Fonds éthiopien de la bibliothèque diocésaine de Nancy
- Musée du Quai Branly, Paris 7e
- Restaurant Ménélik, 4 rue Sauffroy, Paris 17e
- Antiquités éthiopiennes, Village suisse, Paris 15e
- Ambassade d'Ethiopie en France, 35 avenue Charles Floquet, Paris 7e
L'Ethiopie sur internet :
- Récit de voyage : Voyages en Abyssinie
- Blogs éthiopiens
- Wikipédia en amharique :
- 2 blogs en anglais sur l'adoption en Ethiopie : Esperando a Iyasu - Finding Baby G
- Radio Vatican & Deutsche Welle en amharique
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