
UK debt clock

A counter of the government debt of the UK (total amount and per inhabitant) is available at the following address : http://cluaran.free.fr/debt.html

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9 commentaires:

  1. You've missed out all the off balance sheet debt.

    State pensions?

    State Second pension?

    State employee pensions


    Nuclear decommissioning

  2. You need to add about £1.7tn to the national debt figure today for the liabilities of the Royal Bank of Scotland that have been taken over by the government.

  3. Well done!!! THANK YOU, Marc!!!

    Are you taking the data from the Debt Management Office? See http://www.dmo.gov.uk/

  4. But surely this is now out of date ?

    Do you have a contact email where I can send you the article Stephanie Flanders has produced for the budget?

    Indeed, Robert Peston has alluded to GDP being around £ 1.4 Trillion. Her projections from the IMF and the IFS for 2015 indicate figures between 50 and 80% of GDP as Total Debt.

    That would have the debt, albeit for 2015, at a smidge over a TRILLION POUNDS.

    Or have I got my sums wrong ? This is a brilliant site - this should be up in Trafalgar Square or in Piccadilly Circus, so we can see how deep in debt we are ?

  5. To Nick : the counter only takes into account the official Maastricht figures, not the off balance, so it is comparable to other countries, by using the same definition.

    To Jonathan : the RBS debt will be included if (and only if) it is included by the ONS, depending on the European rules.

    To Sabine : Thank you for the encouragement. I use ONS data, and Eurostat if necessary.

    To the anonymous commentator : Yes, the counter needs to be updated, but the ONS has not yet released the official data for Q1 2009.

    Title: EU Government Debt and Deficit returns - Calendar Year 2008
    Release date: 31 March 2009
    Theme: Economy | Department: Office for National Statistics | Coverage: UK
    Geographic breakdown: UK and GB | Accreditation: Due to be assessed by Statistics Board
    Summary: Contains estimates of government deficit and debt data submitted biannually to the European Commission for the Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP) in accordance with the Maastricht Treaty.

  6. New ONS data taken into account. Counter updated today.

  7. hi .Just wondering why your debt clock is so much lower than
    www.debtbombshell.org ?

  8. Jonathan Bryce18/04/2011 22:49

    You need to add about £1.7tn to the national debt figure today for the liabilities of the Royal Bank of Scotland that have been taken over by the government.

  9. Peter Jones20/03/2012 14:26

    Your comment that "Canadian debt is decreasing " is incorrect. Since 2008 the debt has been incresing at an alarming rate and now stands at over $580 billion.
    Peter Jones


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